Session: Documentation that Developers Love
Elevator Pitch: Documentations are like manuals to take developers and users through the usage of a product. Developers neglect a product once they encounter a difficult documentation. This session would help you understand what makes documentation dislikable and best practices to make your documentation developer friendly.
Description: Developers neglect a product once they encounter a difficult documentation. Severally, bad documentation has disqualified the usage of a technology regardless of how useful it is. This shows how effective a good documentation is in the adoption of a technology and should not be neglect at all. This product had a great solution but poor documentation. Most times it’s not just about writing good technical documentation but writing technical documentation that connects the users to the product. In this session, I’ll share the best practices to writing an awesome documentation that makes users stick to the product. In this session, I’ll share
- What a technical documentation is
- The importance of good technical documentation to the developer community
- Types of Technical Documentation
- Turn-offs in documentation
- Qualities of a good documentation
- Available tools to help in writing quality documentation
Session Speakers:

Gloria Asuquo
Gloria Asuquo is a Developer Relations Engineer. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge about open source and web development and encourages the adoption of tech as a career.
She is t [Read More]
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