Bring Stickers to Open Source 101!

The Sticker Table has hands-down been one of the most popular things we’ve ever done at our events.
Because our community LOVES stickers!
So, we’ve decided to do it again at Open Source 101 in Charlotte.
While onsite, we hope attendees will peruse the sticker table and take something they like. Also, we hope as many people as possible will bring a cool sticker(s) and place it on the table for others to take and enjoy.
What’s the Sticker Table?
Simply put, a table in the 2nd floor atrium area of the Dubois Center used to distribute and trade tech stickers. We (the ATO team) will make our stickers available here, and we encourage everyone to make stickers available here also.

Are the stickers free?
Yes, absolutely. All stickers available on the tables will be free.
Are there any guidelines?
Yes, stickers need to be tech-oriented and they need to meet our code of conduct. All stickers are expected to be in good taste and refrain from any sexual, hostile, violent, threatening and generally offensive language and graphics. Also, no sales swag will be allowed on the table. *This will be strictly enforced.
What does take one/give one mean?
While all stickers on the table are available for the taking, it would be great if those taking also left one as well. This way, the supply is continually replenished and a good variety is ensured. Take one/give one is also “in the spirit” of open source and All Things Open/Open Source 101. *Note, giving one is not mandatory, only encouraged.
Contact us at with any questions.